Members Information

Membership Categories

Regular – The spouse of a member or retired or deceased member of APPNA shall be eligible for

Honorary – The Alliance may elect as an honorary member, any person who has given distinguished service to the organization.

Membership Criteria: The spouse of a current APPNA member shall be eligible to apply to be an active member of the

  • In order to be a chapter member, the prospective member shall be the spouse of an APPNA member, and a current Alliance member.
  • A spouse of an honorary APPNA member can be a non-voting Alliance member.

Lifetime dues of the Alliance are $ 250 Annual dues of Alliance are $25

Members Responsibility

Alliance Committee Chair, Co-chair, and Members are expected to:

Be a member of APPNA Alliance and local chapter. Be familiar with the Alliance and chapter bylaws.
Work towards achieving the goals of the Alliance and the respective chapter. Familiarize themselves
with the obligations of their position. Attend their committee meetings unless an emergency arises, in
which case they must inform the president of their situation as soon as possible via e-mail, phone, or
fax. To ensure a smooth running of the association, the officers must it take upon them to inquire if the
agenda of the alliance is being pursued, and that all of the steps are being taken to achieve it. The
secretary shall take the minutes and circulate them to the committee members with a copy to the
President within forty-eight hours. Keep a current copy of the bylaws, policies, rules and regulations.
Keep a current roster of all officers, committee chairs, and co-chairs. Be familiar with IRS Policies relating
to not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organizations. Support APPNA Alliance positions. Be willing to travel to be at
Alliance meetings.

Hey there! Feel free to ask Alliance anything.