OUTSWING – Ms. Samar Minallah Khan

Dear Alliance Members, Assalam Alaikum, Please join us for the screening of the short film documentary "OUTSWING" We will have the great honor and pleasure to host Ms. Samar Minallah Khan with us who is the Director of the film. Join us November 7 at 11:30AM EST. The cost will be a nominal $15 per […]

Omicron Variant

Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84575636632?pwd=ZEFnbHluRFdiNkEwZmhJU1I5OFk1UT09 Meeting ID: 845 7563 6632 Passcode: 527946


10 kappelmann dr greenbrook nj 08812

The Alliance Organization is proud to collaborate with KOOHI GHOT Hospital in the month of Ramadan. Please donate generously to the great work that is being done by this hospital in Karachi, Pakistan. The passion and care of our members is always inspiring, and we are so very grateful for your generous contributions. Chairs: Mrs. […]

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